Original by Lorraine Nunes on Fullfierceforce
Sometimes you love at a level people can’t even comprehend and behind a great love story, there’s an individual finding himself or herself. And as you never stop learning about people, you never stop learning about yourself. There’s sacrifice that comes with love and love always starts with you.
I love this quote that says that “In life you’ll realize that there’s a purpose for every person you meet.Some are there to test you… Some will use you… Some will teach you and some will bring out the best in you”. Most people that come into your life are a reflection of you, of what you’ve done, will do, of what you are willing to. Some people will make you question your character, they will make offers you “cannot refuse”. Others will be there to find your vulnerability and manipulate it to their liking.Remember even your weaknesses can turn into strengths. Be strong and courageous to be who you are, just be resilient and persevere.
My favorite people are those who are here to teach me. Not to necessarily impose their opinions on me, but for me to expand my horizons, see the world in different eyes. Even people that do not share your beliefs can teach you things. To be open minded is to accept there is more than to this life than what you see, what you hear, what you learn. Even the most ludicrous idea should be analyzed. My other favorite type of people are those that either bring the worst out of me or the best out of me.
Why the worst?We all have triggers; things that have an unexpected effect on us. We do have control of our emotions, remember that. And to learn this you may have to have an encounter with a situation that completely gets you out of control.You don’t necessarily start avoiding life ,you can’t dodge what it throws at you, but you can decide who the person is that you want to be.
The people that bring out the best in you make you remember your humanity. They remind you, that you must do good to receive any good. They remember how much you have grown as a person and how you can work on becoming even better. Try to always be your best version.