Integrative Cancer Care involves complementary therapies which accompany conventional surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. It does not act to replace conventional cancer care which has already cured fourteen million Americans. Integrative Oncology simply is meant to reduce the risk of cancer; and for patients to manage their symptoms. Integrative oncology involves guiding people towards proper nutrition, exercise and movement, stress management, social connections, and proper information. Social connections involve guiding people through interactive groups like support groups. Exercise and movement involves one on one counseling and exercise classes. Nutrition involves counseling as well. People are told to stay away from beef, pork, and lamb. Barbecuing meats is especially harmful. Barbecuing meats produces heterocyclic amines, which are positively associated with the development of colon cancer.
33,000 deaths per year in women who are suffering from breast cancer have obesity as a contributing factor to their illness. People should stay away from sugar as an added ingredient to their food. It’s alright for the food to have natural sugar. It has also been found that women treated with tamoxifen can reduce their risk of cancer by eating levels of soy foods in equivalent amounts to those consumed in Asia.
Tumeric is the most potent anticancer spice. Tumeric is important to battle rectal cancer especially. This is because tumeric doesn’t get absorbed too well into the bloodstream. So, tumeric remains in the gastro-intestinal tract. That’s how tumeric is able to act as an anticancer agent.