Art of Pro Wrestling


”Pro wrestling”, Wrestling is something I have watch since I was sixteen years old. As a fan of wrestling you feel like you always gotta defend something you adore. It happen to me many times with friends and others and as I got older I realized its something only wrestling fan will only understand. You wont be able to show someone that’s new to wrestling your favorite match they will just crush your heart, And they haven’t bought In to the storyline and the match so It will never work. People always ask me why I love wrestling and why I still watch It and It’s really simple it’s a way of getting out of the real world in many ways. In many ways wrestling is like apra. And wrestling will want to connect with you personally for you to feel like you could get expired and route for the good guy and you could bring that in to your life and push your self just like the face in wrestling. In the end of the day i will still love wrestling.