Estudiantes que quieren ingresar a Hudson Community College pueden aplicar a colegiatura GRATIS


The New Jersey Community College Opportunity Grant (CCOG) program. Este programa se a extendido para cubrir el otono del 2019 y la primavera del 2020. De acuerdo a un informe de el presidente de HCCC Chris Reber el limite del income de las familias tambien se a aumentado a $65,000. Reber agrego que 1,300 estudiantes se pueden veneficiar con el programa CCOG.

Gracias a la decision de el Governador Murphy y nuestros ligisladores familias que tiene un income de $65,000 y tienen familiares tomando mas de 6 creditos pueden aplicar para 2019 y 2020 ano academico.

Para aplicar tienen que llenar  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) o  Alternative Application for New Jersey Dreamers tienen asta Sept. 15.

Financial Aid Resources for New Jersey Dreamers

The New Jersey Alternative Financial Aid Application allows NJ Dreamers enrolled in eligible New Jersey colleges and universities to apply for state financial aid.

Who should complete this application?

Complete this application if you are not a United States citizen or eligible noncitizen and meet all of the following criteria;

  • Attended a New Jersey high school for at least three (3) years
  • Graduated from a New Jersey high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in New Jersey
  • Registered for Selective Service (male students only)
  • Are able to file an affidavit stating that you have filed an application to legalize your immigration status or will file an application as soon as you are eligible to do so